- DRIPPIN’s second step toward a better tomorrow, Mini Album [A Better Tomorrow]
- Title song ‘Young Blood’, a song about the youth of seven boys running toward their dreams
- ‘Young Blood’, an energetic youth story drawn by DRIPPIN
‘DRIPPIN’ (CHA JUNHO, HWANG YUNSEONG, KIM DONGYUN, LEE HYEOP, JOO CHANGUK, ALEX, and KIM MINSEO) who debuted with their first Mini Album [Boyager] in the second half of 2020, released their second Mini Album [A Better Tomorrow].
DRIPPIN's second mini-album [A Better Tomorrow] interpreted the feeling of 'will' itself from DRIPPIN's perspective among the various emotions that DRIPPIN felt and experienced after their debut.
DRIPPIN's second mini-album [A Better Tomorrow] started with the same intro song ‘A Better Tomorrow’ as the album's name, and produced an omnibus-like movie that shows DRIPPIN's willingness to act for a better tomorrow, including the title song ‘Young Blood’ and ‘Reach out your hands’ which has an impressive lyric variation of the chorus part, ‘Without U,’ an R&B pop genre that can feel a refreshing yet cheerful atmosphere, ‘Firefly,’ which compares a warm heart that is small but a great will and encourages to fireflies, and ‘FATE,’ which contains messages of preciousness and support for us.
DRIPPIN, who showed a unique worldview and differentiated music through their last debut album, The second Mini Album [A Better Tomorrow] shows their own music and the growth of a better tomorrow. Let’s look forward to it.